Fertility Information Seminar


Got fertility questions? We have the answers. Come along to Westmead Fertility Centre’s May 9 Free Fertility Information Seminar. Learn how Westmead Fertility Centre is not only one of the world’s most successful, research led fertility clinics; but also offers infertility treatments at costs far lower than other Australian private clinics.
Our next information seminar will be held on Wednesday 9 May 2017.
Registration, along with food and refreshments, is available from 5:30 pm.
Seminar starts promptly at 6:00 pm.
Our informal information sessions are a good opportunity for you to meet some of our key team members, including our doctors, nurses and scientists. You will hear more about:
·       Understanding your fertility
·       When to seek medical advice when trying to conceive
·       Fertility treatment options
·       How to get started with fertility treatment
·       What happens in the embryology lab and how an embryo develops
·       How Westmead Fertility Centre is different and how our team can support you.
Bookings are essential. Register here https://www.westmeadivf.com.au/register-for-our-next-information-evening/ or call us on (02) 8890 7484.