Changes to medication supply for assisted reproduction treatments


From July 1st 2015 the Australian Government will introduce amendments to the Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme (PBS) which will change the way you access your medication for fertility treatments (IVF, ICSI and OI-IUI only). We would like to highlight some of the main points.

  • Your doctor will still prescribe your medicines, but these medications will no longer be provided through the fertility clinic.
  • These prescriptions can be taken to any pharmacy of your choice for dispensing. At Westmead Fertility we have a relationship with McBeath’s Pharmacy who carry fertility drug stock. If you want to use another Pharmacy you will need to notify your selected pharmacist in advance, as they may not have the stock readily available.
  • Like other PBS subsidised medicines, you will now need to contribute a co-payment. In 2015, the PBS general patient co-payment is $6.10 for concessional patients and up to $37.70 for non-concessional patients.
  • Most importantly, you will need to have these prescriptions filled before you book in to commence your treatment. Please call one of our Nurses for more information.